Barefoot luxury at one of Bali's best places to stay

We were honoured to host travel blogger Chami Jotisalikorn recently and were even more delighted when she published a glowing post about her stay at Alassari Plantation...

After returning to Ubud from Alassari, I felt a distinct difference between before and after the visit. I returned with more energy, feeling revitalized, rested, and refreshed.

I’d been hearing a lot lately about “forest bathing” or shinrin-yoku, a Japanese practice which entails recharging your energy and releasing stress by walking among a living forest of trees and nature. And it must work, because the visit to Alassari happened to be my own unintentional experience of forest bathing. No wonder Craig and Val are so radiant and alive. They’re absorbing all that good energy from the luscious rainforest which is their beautiful home.
— Chami Jotisalikorn

Read her full post on her travel blog, Barefoot Luxe.

Thank you Chami, it was an absolute pleasure to meet you and we hope to share our luxury villa accommodation with you again in the near future!